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Elasticsearch Performance Troubleshooting Kit

Download the Elasticsearch Performance Troubleshooting Kit to efficiently diagnose and resolve slow query issues in your Elasticsearch environment.

Resource Optimization Dashboard

Elastic Resource Optimization Dashboard to seamlessly integrate APM insights with cloud cost data for actionable resource management and cost-saving strategies

Watcher job to integrate ChatGPT in Elasticsearch

Watcher job to integrate ChatGPT API from OpenAI in Elasticsearch. Helpful to find solutions for error messages very quick.

Ingest Pipeline Monitoring

This Kibana dashboard can be used monitor your ingest pipelines

Kibana Maps with Open Weather Map

This is the default basemap of Kibana incl. the Open Weather Map tile for temperature, wind and pressure

Impossible travel transform job

Impossible travel detection by calculating the distance between two login locations in combination with the time between the two logins

Terraform Elasticsearch environments

Terraform example scripts to deploy Elastic Cloud Clusters + all necessary components in AWS and GCP

AWS Cloudtrail Monitoring dashboard

Deep insights into AWS Cloudtrail events for SIEM and Monitoring