Playable Pacman

This is a playable version of pacman made with Vega.

Vega Compound Gauge

This is a compund gauge visualization made with Vega. Its very helpful for visualization of percentage values.

Data flow canvas

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This canvas examples shows some possibilities of how to visualize data flows. Every flow can be activated / deactivated based on your Elasticsearch data.

Timetable canvas

This canvas examples shows timetable data from trains. Its build based on the real world information panel in german trian stations. Its refreshing based on current time.

Traffic light using Vega

This traffic light visualizations is build with vega. The thresholds can be defined via values within the document itself.

APM Services overview canvas

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An adaptive turn key canvas example based on Elastic APM data.

Ask Me Anything Booth – Canvas Example

This is an example canvas page that shows how to visualize using canvas in general.

Watch to detect large shards

This watch is getting data from the Elasticsearch shards API directly and checking for large shards.