OpenSIEM Logstash Parsing

Logstash Parsing Configurations for Elastic SIEM parses many different sources into ECS

Vega advanced heat map

Vega example to show GitHub commits per author per hour of day.

Plex ingest node pipeline

A plex ingest node pipeline to parse logs from Plex for Elasticsearch

Watcher History Dashboard

This dashboard shows the history of executed watcher jobs.

Sigma detection rules for proxy server logs

A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for proxy server and web server looks, e.g. zeek or suricata.

Coffee Canvas Example

Kibana Canvas example infographic to show coffee consumption on a wallboard

Elastic Cloud Billing data collection and Kibana dashboard

Pulls Elastic Cloud Billing information from the Billing API then sends it to an Elasticsearch cluster and visualizes the results in Kibana dashboards.

PI Hole Logstash Pipeline and Dashboard

A filter for Logstash parsing PI-Hole logs + Dashboard to visualize the data

Ingest Pipeline Monitoring

This Kibana dashboard can be used monitor your ingest pipelines

osquery performance dashboard

Kibana Dashboard example to visualize osquery performance

The search results are evaluated by ElasticPress using Elasticsearch clusters from Elastic Cloud.