APM Services overview canvas

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An adaptive turn key canvas example based on Elastic APM data.

Kibana Enhanced Table plugin

Data Table visualization with enhanced features like computed columns, pivot table or filter bar

Cloudflare Kibana dashboards

Cloudflare dashboards and ingest pipelines to visualize cloudflare logs

Vega advanced heat map

Vega example to show GitHub commits per author per hour of day.

Office display canvas example

Kibana canvas example showing an office screen with weather, news and stock information

Elastic Cloud Billing data collection and Kibana dashboard

Pulls Elastic Cloud Billing information from the Billing API then sends it to an Elasticsearch cluster and visualizes the results in Kibana dashboards.

Ingest Pipeline Monitoring

This Kibana dashboard can be used monitor your ingest pipelines

osquery performance dashboard

Kibana Dashboard example to visualize osquery performance

Threat detection Kibana dashboard

Kibana dashboard example visualizing the results of the Elastic SIEM detection engine

The search results are evaluated by ElasticPress using Elasticsearch clusters from Elastic Cloud.