Using Elastic APM – Real User Monitoring to calculate the success of your web application

The Elastic Stack enables users to do many different use cases. Users can enhance their search features, their visibility into the application as well as the security of the application …


Using grok in a runtime field can be very powerful. The Grok pattern is already widely used in the Elastic Stack. You can use Grok in your Logstash pipelines as …

Logstash REST to exec scripts

Make Logstash a REST endpoint that executes scripts or manually adds data in Elasticsearch.

Move to next ILM phase Watcher

This watcher job is moving specific indices based on e.g. disc usage into the next ILM phase.

Office 365 dashboards

A collection of Kibana dashboards to provide a holistic view of Microsoft Office 365 environments

Lens Conversion Rate

Lens conversion rate for RUM data using Lens Formulas

Crawler dashboard

A Kibana dashboard that visualizes the result of the crawler from Elastic Enterprise Search

Cloudflare Kibana dashboards

Cloudflare dashboards and ingest pipelines to visualize cloudflare logs

The search results are evaluated by ElasticPress using Elasticsearch clusters from Elastic Cloud.