Vega Download overview
Vega is a declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing visualization designs. With Vega, visualizations are described in JSON, and generate interactive views using either HTML5 Canvas or SVG. Using Vega within Kibana enables every user to be a visualization developer. Everyone can build 100% customized visualization on its own. Which can be indeed very powerful. Vega itself provides a lot of examples on how to build all the different styles of visualizations. Those examples can be find at the bottom of the page. However it can still be hard to make it work with your Elasticsearch data within Kibana. Thatswhy this page is offering Vega example downloads that are already equipped with Elasticsearch data. For most of some you don't even need to change anything because its build on ECS. For other examples you may have to change index and field names.
Vega downloads
More about Vega
Download Kibana Vega examples. Vega is a great way of building custom visualizations in Kibana. The power of vega is great but this comes with a higher burden of learning it.
Our Kibana Vega examples show you how others have build useful Vega visualizations.