Canvas examples

Coffee Canvas Example

Kibana Canvas example infographic to show coffee consumption on a wallboard

Filebeat Suricata Canvas dashboard

A Kibana Canvas dashboard example that visualizes suricata logs collected with Filebeat.

Office display canvas example

Kibana canvas example showing an office screen with weather, news and stock information

Kibana Canvas examples collection

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A collection of canvas examples, like using conditionals, creating buttons, animations or context menues. Just copy paste into your Kibana Canvas project.

Detection engine alerts overview dashboard

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Kibana Canvas dashboard that shows an aggregated view on the results of the detection engine in Elastic Security.

Data flow canvas

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This canvas examples shows some possibilities of how to visualize data flows. Every flow can be activated / deactivated based on your Elasticsearch data.

Timetable canvas

This canvas examples shows timetable data from trains. Its build based on the real world information panel in german trian stations. Its refreshing based on current time.

APM Services overview canvas

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An adaptive turn key canvas example based on Elastic APM data.

Ask Me Anything Booth – Canvas Example

This is an example canvas page that shows how to visualize using canvas in general.

More about Canvas

This is a list of all available Kibana Canvas examples. Just click download and deploy it to your Kibana instance.

Canvas is a great way to visualize data very user friendly. You can have a very high data density due to easy visualizations.

Use our Kibana Canvas examples to kickstart with your canvas board.