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Sigma Elastic SIEM rules for web server logs

A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for web server looks, e.g. apache, nginx or IIS.

Sigma detection rules for proxy server logs

A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for proxy server and web server looks, e.g. zeek or suricata.

Sigma Sysmon detection rules

A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for Windows Sysmon events based on Winlogbeat data.

Sigma Windows Process Creation detection rules

A collection of rules based on the Sigma rules for Windows (process creation folder) based on Winlogbeat data .

Sigma Windows inbuilt detection rules

A collection of rules based on the Sigma rules for Windows (inbuilt folder) based on Winlogbeat data .

Sigma AWS Cloudtrail Detection rules

A collection of rules based on the Sigma rules for AWS based on the Filebeat AWS module and Elastic agent integration.

Sigma Zeek Detection rules

A collection of rules based on the Sigma rules for Zeek based on the Filebeat Zeek module.

Observability Kibana Dashboard

A single pane of glass dashboard for Logs, Metrics, APM data and business KPIs.

Detection engine alerts overview dashboard

Average rating:

Kibana Canvas dashboard that shows an aggregated view on the results of the detection engine in Elastic Security.