Kibana dashboards are a powerful tool for exploring, analyzing, and visualizing data. They are part of the Elastic Stack, and are used by organizations around the world to gain insights from their data and make better-informed decisions. Kibana dashboards are highly customizable and can be used to visualize data from a wide variety of sources. They are built using a drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy for users to create complex visualizations without the need for coding. Some common examples of Kibana dashboards include: A log analysis dashboard that shows the number of log events over time, the most common log levels, and the top error messages. An application performance dashboard that shows the response times and error rates of different components of an application, as well as the top slowest and most frequently-used pages. A network monitoring dashboard that shows the throughput, latency, and error rates of different network devices, as well as the top traffic sources and destinations.

Dashboard examples

osquery performance dashboard

Kibana Dashboard example to visualize osquery performance

PI Hole Logstash Pipeline and Dashboard

A filter for Logstash parsing PI-Hole logs + Dashboard to visualize the data

Watcher History Dashboard

This dashboard shows the history of executed watcher jobs.

Filebeat Suricata Canvas dashboard

A Kibana Canvas dashboard example that visualizes suricata logs collected with Filebeat.

Filebeat Log analysis canvas example

This is a simple canvas dashboard example that analyzes logs created by Filebeat.

Office display canvas example

Kibana canvas example showing an office screen with weather, news and stock information

Detection engine alerts overview dashboard

Average rating:

Kibana Canvas dashboard that shows an aggregated view on the results of the detection engine in Elastic Security.

Ask Me Anything Booth – Canvas Example

This is an example canvas page that shows how to visualize using canvas in general.

RUM extension dashboard

This dashboard provide deeper insight into the real user monitoring data collected by Elastic RUM.

More about Dashboard

Kibana gives you the freedom to select the way you give shape to your data. A dashboard within Kibana builds the final stage where all your visualizations live in.

With the drill down capabilties you are able to start at a very high level and dive deep into the data with just a few clicks.

Building an Kibana Dashboard is easy. But making it really great and useful for you use case can take a couple of iterations. Our Kibana Dashboard examples helping you to get an basic understanding about how Dashboards could look like.

In conclusion, Kibana dashboards are a powerful and flexible tool for exploring, analyzing, and visualizing data. They are used by organizations around the world to gain insights from their data and make better-informed decisions. With the help of Kibana plugins, they can be customized and extended to meet the specific needs of any organization.

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