How to use the elastic content share?
You are looking for prebuilt content to use it in your Elastic environment like Kibana dashboards, Watcher alerting rules or extensions to your observability solution? If you are a user of the Elastic SIEM as part of your Elastic Security solution you can also extend the OOTB detection engines rules. Download prebuild Kibana dashboards now instead of creating it on your own!
The elastic-content-share offers a wide variety of Elastic based content from Elastic users for Elastic users. Feel free to look around in our Download area what others has created for you. If you are content creator we would be more than happy if you would share your stuff here for the rest of world.
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The downloads you can find here can be deployed within seconds into your Elastic Cloud deployment.
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Start downloading ELK Stack content now
Downloading and using Elastic content is easy. For any part of the ELK stack you are able to download relevant content here. You can have a look into specific categories or just looking at all our downloads at once.
Top contributions
Sigma Windows Process Creation detection rules
A collection of rules based on the Sigma rules for Windows (process creation folder) based on Winlogbeat data .
Sigma Sysmon detection rules
A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for Windows Sysmon events based on Winlogbeat data.
Data flow canvas
This canvas examples shows some possibilities of how to visualize data flows. Every flow can be activated / deactivated based on your Elasticsearch data.
Sigma Elastic SIEM rules for web server logs
A collection of rules based on the Sigma detection rules for web server looks, e.g. apache, nginx or IIS.
Kibana Canvas examples collection
A collection of canvas examples, like using conditionals, creating buttons, animations or context menues. Just copy paste into your Kibana Canvas project.
Extensions for every part of your ELK stack
Latest contributions
Buttons for Kibana dashboards
Link to every content you want within your Kibana dashboards. This example is using links to cloud providers.
OpenSIEM Logstash Parsing
Logstash Parsing Configurations for Elastic SIEM parses many different sources into ECS
Elastic Cloud Billing data collection and Kibana dashboard
Pulls Elastic Cloud Billing information from the Billing API then sends it to an Elasticsearch cluster and visualizes the results in Kibana dashboards.
Office 365 dashboards
A collection of Kibana dashboards to provide a holistic view of Microsoft Office 365 environments
Move to next ILM phase Watcher
This watcher job is moving specific indices based on e.g. disc usage into the next ILM phase.
Crawler dashboard
A Kibana dashboard that visualizes the result of the crawler from Elastic Enterprise Search
Cloudflare Kibana dashboards
Cloudflare dashboards and ingest pipelines to visualize cloudflare logs
Logstash REST to exec scripts
Make Logstash a REST endpoint that executes scripts or manually adds data in Elasticsearch.
Download prebuilt Kibana dashboards is a great way to quickly start using Elastic in production. Kibana comes with a lot of prebuilt dashboards and templates. But its always good to see what others are using.
The Elastic Content Share provides content for Kibana like Dashboards, Visualizations and Canvas Boards. We also provide content for Elasticsearch like Watcher rules and specific mappings. Another important part is Logstash. For Logstash we provide prebuilt pipelines for different data sources. Elastic offers three different solutions based on the ELK stack, its Elastic Enterprise Search, Elastic Observability and Elastic Security. While this is great the users of Elastic Stack can do much more with it. In our blog articles you find many examples of how you could leverage the power of the Elastic Stack for your needs.
FAQ about download prebuilt Kibana dashboards
The Elastic Content Share is a platform to share content like Monitoring Dashboards for all the products offered by Elastic. These products are Kibana, Elasticsearch, Logstash and Beats. We also offer our help for any Elastic specific request you have.
No, the Elastic Content Share is a project from the community. It is not officially released nor maintained by elastic.
You will find official elastic offerings at
Kibana is an open source data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Therefore users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.
It also provides a presentation tool, referred to as Canvas, that allows users to create slide decks that pull live data directly from Elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch is an open source data analysis tool. It can store very big amount of data and analyze it in milliseconds. Together with the aggregation engine its a great fit for every kind of data analysis job.
Elasticsearch is also the heart of the Elastic Stack (formely known as ELK stack).
Yes we provide all the Elastic content for free. Also if you would like to share something with the community this content will be available for free to everyone.
No. You can always download the content without the need of an Elastic Cloud account. Nevertheless if you would like to use the one click deploy option then you need an deployment in Elastic Cloud.
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